Home > SCVMM, SCVMM R2, Tips&Tricks > VMM tricks: Installing SCVMM on a host with a name containing “-SCVMM-” fails with Error 257

VMM tricks: Installing SCVMM on a host with a name containing “-SCVMM-” fails with Error 257

This one is funny..Source

Well, the title says it all. If the host you’re trying to install SCVMM on has a name that contains “-SCVMM-” in upper case letters, setup fails with Error 257.

Example: MUC-SCVMM-1

Resolution: Use a slightly different name, like “MUC-SCVMMR2-1” or “MUC-SCVmm-1”,

The reason is that the uppercase string “-SCVMM-” is used internally for host cummincation by SCVMM.



Categories: SCVMM, SCVMM R2, Tips&Tricks Tags: ,
  1. November 11, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    Ah!!! at last I found what I was looking for. Somtimes it takes so much effort to find even tiny useful piece of information.
    Nice post. Thanks

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