Home > Hyper-V, Virtualization > How will Microsoft does the Live Migration through Cluster Shared Volumes

How will Microsoft does the Live Migration through Cluster Shared Volumes

As Microsoft announced about 2 months ago the new Hyper-V live Migration in Windows 2008 R2. A lot of questions been rose how Microsoft will do that?

Actually I have been looking forward into that because I have a lot of reservations in this point.

Now Windows Server 2008 R2 Reviewers announce their (BETA) guide which includes a lot of information according this new feature.

Microsoft will use new Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) feature within Failover Clustering in Windows Server 2008 R2. The CSV volumes enable multiple nodes in the same failover cluster to concurrently access the same logical unit number (LUN). From a VM’s perspective, each VM appears to actually own a LUN; however, the .vhd files for each VM are stored on the same CSV volume.

This technique is same as VMware ESX for live migration as now all cluster nodes would access the shared volumes by using these fully qualified paths.

The good news is administrators won’t have to reformat their SANs to take advantage of CSVs.

I believe that Microsoft will provide more and more functionality in Hyper-V 2 and hope that they stuck in their promise to be just in place update.


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