
Posts Tagged ‘Connector’

SCSM 2012 Exchange Connector 3.0 is not working

August 3, 2012 20 comments

Recently I installed Exchange Connector 3.0 in my new Service Manager 2012 test lab. It is all green filed and I configure AutoDiscover for the Exchange Environment how ever The connector did not work properly. I am sending mails to the Workflow Run As Account’s mailbox and no incidents appears in the console.

I made sure that I  Copied the following files to the SCSM installation directory on the SCSM management server (example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2012):
a.    Microsoft.SystemCenter.ExchangeConnector.dll
b.    Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll

I opened event viewer “Operations Manager” but did not find any useful information . So I had to create some registry keys as per MS deployment guide

Each time the connector runs, the connector will drop events into the ‘Operations Manager’ event log on the SCSM management server where the workflows are currently targeted to run (by default this is the first management server installed in a management group). The source will be ‘Exchange Connector’. If there is a crash in the connector for some reason it will be handled and the error message will be logged in an error event from the ‘Health Service Modules’ source.

By default the Exchange connector only logs error events into the event log. There are two registry values which you can configure to log more details.

Create the following key if it does not already exist.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Service Manager Exchange Connector

Then create the following string values:

Value: EnableEWSTracing

Value: LoggingLevel



The LoggingLevel value can be set to any number from 1 to 7. The higher the number the more granular and verbose the logging will be. If the value is set to 0 or the value does not exist only error events will be created in the event log.

If EnableEWSTracing is set to 1 then the Exchange web service tracing events will be dropped to the event log. If the EnableEWSTracing is not created or is set to 0 the events for the Exchange web service tracing will not be put into the event log. If EnableEWSTracing is set to 1 the first set of information events will show the details of the connector attempting to determine which Exchange server to communicate with based on the Exchange Auto Discover Service configuration in AD/DNS.


Now I can see a flood of event in my event viewer. I got this event

Exchange Connector: Couldn’t find Exchange web service URL or credentials in registry.  Trying default credentials and auto-discover service. Exception message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


mm.. I double checked my AutoDiscover configurations and it looks fine. So as a work around I decide to point to the Exchange Web Service URL in the registry


The connector by default relies on the Exchange Auto Discover service being configured in AD/DNS unless the Exchange web service URL to connect to is specified in the registry on the SCSM management server. In some cases you may need to manually specify the Exchange web service URL in the registry. This provides flexibility in cases where auto discover doesn’t work such as complex domain topologies and for Office 365. You can set the Exchange web service URL to connect to in the following registry by creating the following key & value and setting the value to the Exchange web service URL to connect to.


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center Service Manager Exchange Connector

Value: ExchangeURL



Waiting for the next pooling cycle for the connector and start seeing more events that the Exchange Connector start dealing with Exchange web service URL provided in the registry



Now it is working and it start processing on the mails in the mailbox 002

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